It was fantastic to see all of you again this Sunday, and for some of you for the first time. As we want to do each week, this blog is a summary of the sermon with some prayer reminders.
This Sunday we looked at Ephesians 2:19:22. In this passage we discovered what God has made us to be as a church and how he has done so.
We saw that we are God's people, God's household and God's holy temple. We don't do anything to become this, he is doing this and has done this on account of his work in Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
We also understood that it is on account of the work of Christ on the cross that God has made us into these wonderful things. We are built on him, on him the church rises and grows and it is only as we dwell in him that we can dwell with God.
Praise God for the work he has already done in us and praise him for what he will do! All we have to do is follow God's program and his blessing will surely follow. May God find us faithful.
Prayer Items
Just a few things to pray about this week. Some are the same as last week, but they are important, so don't ignore them.
Unity - Pray that God unites us in what is truly important and gives us grace in things that don't matter to the Kingdom.
Health - Pray that God builds relationships quickly in our church.
Our legal situation - We are seeking incorporation and charitable status. The former should happen within the next 3 weeks, the latter soon after than. Pray that this moves quickly.
Growth - Praise the Lord that he brought new people to our church this Sunday. Pray that God grows our church with people who desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
A new building? - We looked at a new, more permanent place for us to meet starting in September. It would fit our needs perfectly (for now) but would involve a significant financial commitment. Pray for wisdom for the elders as they decide what to do.
Financial needs - we await charitable status, but we have needs that need to be met. Pray that God's people are generous toward his kingdom, and not just to get a tax receipt.