Next Sunday: September 15
Sunday School for K - Adult, 9:30 am.​
Worship service begins at 10:30 am. Communion Sunday. Pastor Jared will continue the new sermon series "Genesis: The Beginning". Children's Ministry will be offered during the sermon. Plan to join us after the service for a hot dog lunch at Friedensfeld Park. Bring a salad and dessert to share, and lawn chairs.​​​
Ladies Bible Study Kickoff Fireside, Tues., Sept. 10, at Iris Bartel's.
Men's Theology, Tues., Sept. 17, 7 pm, at the church.
CLD Seminar, Sat., Sept. 21, at the church. “Always Ready: Standing for Christ in an Anti-Christian World”. All are welcome. Lunch will be provided.
Child Dedication, Sun., Sept. 29
Click here for a livestream of the service.
Video recordings of the CLD classes are available on our YouTube channel.
Subscribe to the CRC YouTube channel to access sermon recordings.