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BOOK REVIEW: Killing Calvinism: How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Theology From the Inside by Greg Dutcher

Writer's picture: Pastor JaredPastor Jared

Updated: Jan 29

You’ve probably all heard the phrase - ‘Cage-stage Calvinist.’ It’s not a complementary term as it refers to someone who has figured out the truth of the reformed theological position and is using them in an unhealthy way -- usually as a stick to beat others. Cage-stagers, or those who suffer from “obsessive calvinism disorder” - shout out to Tim Challies for that label - are a real problem for the very truth of Scripture which they seek to purport. It usually gives a bad name to the individual and the Calvinism of which they are preaching.

This is just one attitude that comes to light within the eight issues that Greg Dutcher sees as destroying a perfectly good theology. Without knowing it, many Calvinists are actually killing Calvinism because they have not embraced the true teaching and spirit of reformed theology.

Dutcher, is a pastor and, obviously, a believer in and champion of Calvinism, or reformed theology which is my preferred term. He writes this short book - less than 100 pages with the aim of addressing the various ways in which Calvinistic doctrine has been distorted or even killed by the actions of its own proponents. The book, written in a very easy to read, almost conversational style with plenty of personal anecdotes as illustrations, pointedly identifies and critiques a number of attitudes and behaviors that, Dutcher believes, have led to the deterioration and denigration of a robust understanding and practice of Reformed theology.

Let me walk you through the eight chapters - each of which are 10ish pages and end with a very helpful prayer to pray in light of the information just shared. Each of these chapters are eight ways in which Dutcher believes Calvinists can kill Calvinism. As we move through them, I’m sure that most of us will cringe at least a few times as we see ourselves within some, or all of what he identifies as problematic.

Chapter 1 -- By Loving Calvinism as an End in Itself -- Dutcher warns against idolizing Calvinism itself rather than using it as a tool to understand and glorify God. We should not get more joy from being a Calvinist than we do a Christian. “We are Calvinists best when we aren’t Calvinists first.” (Challies) Calvinism should draw us deeper into relationship with Christ and point other believers to the same. It should never become our ultimate focus.

Chapter 2 -- By Becoming a Theologian Instead of a Disciple -- This chapter critiques the tendency to prioritize intellectual mastery of theology over personal discipleship and spiritual growth. It also criticizes the desire for many cage-stagers to become theology police. Instead, Dutcher emphasizes being mastered by Christ rather than merely mastering doctrine.

Chapter 3 -- By Loving God’s Sovereignty More Than God Himself -- Dutcher cautions against overemphasizing God's sovereignty to the detriment of cultivating a personal, loving relationship with Him. He writes, “This world desperately needs to see a robust, healthy Calvinism that celebrates the fullness of God’s ways and works -- not a lopsided Christian who cannot get off a hobbyhorse of God’s sovereignty.”

Chapter 4 -- By Losing an Urgency in Evangelism -- Calvinists are reminded that belief in God's sovereignty should inspire evangelistic zeal, not complacency. Dutcher challenges readers to “imitate Paul” and see themselves as instruments God uses to bring others to Jesus Christ.

Chapter 5 -- By Learning Only From Other Calvinists -- The author critiques the insular tendency to only engage with Calvinist thinkers. “We simply need to be careful,” Dutcher writes, “about a “non-Calvinist need not apply” mentality when thinking broadly about the body of Christ. Instead, Dutcher urges us to cultivate a willingness to learn from Christians with differing perspectives for a fuller understanding of faith.

Chapter 6 -- By Tidying Up the Bible’s “Loose Ends” -- Dutcher warns against forcing Scripture into overly neat theological frameworks, advocating for humility in accepting mysteries within God’s Word. He writes, “Can you imagine the impact we Calvinists would make if others saw us first and foremost as people who are faithful to the book?” That is our goal -- believe what the Bible says regardless of our ‘system.’

Chapter 7 -- By Being an Arrogant Know-It-All -- Dutcher highlights pride and arrogance as destructive traits that repel others from Calvinism and contradict its core message of grace. This usually results in “a rubble of relationships” and burned bridges. Instead we are to act with the grace that is at the heart of Calvinist theology. “Real Calvinism is humble Calvinism.” (Challies)

Chapter 8 -- By Scoffing at the Hang-Ups Others Have With Calvinism -- This chapter encourages empathy and patience when addressing others' objections or misunderstandings about Calvinism, rather than dismissiveness or ridicule.

Dutcher’s message is a timely call to return to the heart of Calvinism -- the glory of God, the depth of grace, and the humility that should characterize those who embrace it. Dutcher helps us see our blindspots in this regard.

Killing Calvinism is an important book for anyone involved in Reformed theology, particularly those who are interested in the practical implications of Calvinism. Greg Dutcher provides a much-needed reminder that Calvinism, when truly understood and lived out, is not meant to create division or intellectual superiority, but rather to foster humility, love, and a deeper devotion to God. His message is a timely call to return to the heart of Calvinism -- the glory of God, the depth of grace, and the humility that should characterize those who embrace it. His work is a valuable resource for re-energizing Reformed faith, encouraging readers to avoid the pitfalls that can "kill" the very theology that has the power to transform lives.

I recommend all so-called Calvinists to pick up this little volume for an enjoyable, and challenging evening read.

Soli Deo Gloria

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